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General Purpose Kafka Client that Just Behaves


Consuming messages:

kafka-rx provides a push alternative to kafka's pull-based stream

To connect to your zookeeper cluster and process a stream:

val connector = new RxConnector("zookeeper:2181", "consumer-group")

  .take(42 seconds)


All of the standard rx transforms are available on the resulting stream.

Producing messages

kafka-rx can also be used to produce kafka streams

  .foreach { (tag, subStream) =>
      .saveToKafka(kafkaProducer, s"tweets.$tag")
      .foreach { savedMessage =>
        savedMessage.commit() // checkpoint position in the source stream

Check out the words-to-WORDS producer or the twitter-stream demo for a full working example.

Reliable Message Processing

kafka-rx was built with reliable message processing in mind

To support this, every kafka-rx message has a .commit() method which optionally takes a user provided merge function, giving the program an opportunity to reconcile offsets with zookeeper and manage delivery guarantees.

stream.buffer(23).foreach { bucket =>

If you can afford possible gaps in message processing you can also use kafka's automatic offset commit behavior, but you are encouraged to manage commits yourself.

In general you should aim for idempotent processing, where it is no different to process a message once or many times. In addition, remember that messages are delivered across different topic partitions in a non-deterministic order. If this is important you are encouraged to process each topic partition as an individual stream to ensure there is no interleaving.

val numStreams = numPartitions
val streams = conn.getMessageStreams(topic, numStreams)


Wherever possible, kafka-rx delegates to kafka's internal configuration.

Use kafka's ConsumerConfig for configuring the consumer, and ProducerConfig for configuring your producer.

Including in your project

Currently kafka-rx is built against kafka and scala 2.11, but should work fine with other similar versions.

From maven:


From sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.cj" % "kafka-rx" % "0.2.0"

Videos & Examples

For more code and help getting started, see the examples.

Or, if videos are more your style:

stream processing with kafka-rx


Have a question, improvement, or something you want to discuss?

Issues and pull requests welcome!


Eclipse Public License v.1 - Commission Junction 2015